By 2050, Africa’s population is set to double. Its urban population will triple and 40% of its total population will be under 15 years old. To absorb the growing labour force in sub-Saharan Africa, an estimated 18 million new jobs will be needed each year until 2035.
The continent suffers from low productivity and many countries have struggled to develop their manufacturing base or move into high-value services. A competitive manufacturing sector is vital for Africa to take up its strategic role in the global economy.
Manufacturing Africa is a programme of the UK government’s Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO). Its aim is to help Africa address two of its most pressing challenges: a growing labour force and an underdeveloped manufacturing sector. It will do this by catalysing sustainable and inclusive economic transformation, supporting the movement of labour and other resources from lower- to higher-productivity sectors and growing productivity sustainably in and between sectors.