We invite manufacturing companies seeking access to capital to get in touch with us for advisory support on investor engagement and technical assistance. We also welcome investors looking for new investment opportunities in the manufacturing sector in Africa to engage us and we will connect you with a range of attractive investments with reduced risk.

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What are the required criteria for a Company to qualify for MA support?

MA supports manufacturing - or manufacturing enabling businesses - across sectors to raise international finance worth more than $10 million. MA prioritises deals which could transform a sector or have a high social, environmental, or economic impact - be they greenfield, expansion, diversification or efforts to improve the country’s carbon footprint.

What does MA's transaction facilitation assistance (TFA) entail?

MA facilitates market assessments, business plan development in collaboration with the company; provides commercial, financial and technical due diligence services; supports capital raising and matchmaking; and provides transaction aftercare services.

How does it work?

MA follows an efficient investor-focused process to deliver support as follows: discuss areas of support and development impact with the investor; scope potential support and conduct compliance checks; obtain approval from the selection advisory committee (SAC) and mobilise the support team.

Can MA help me obtain regulatory approvals for my manufacturing activities?

MA can provide information on the set of regulatory approvals required for your sector and offer guidance on the necessary steps to obtain the approvals.

Does FCDO provide funding?

Not to firms directly. Instead FCDO funds the MA programme – which provides Transaction Facilitation that helps firms seek funding. It also provides Technical Assistance to help enhance the investment environment.

Will MA speak to investors on my behalf?

MA will help identify a suitable set of investors that you/your company can engage.

How does MA collaborate with development partners such as donor organisations?

MA partners with donor institutions to provide deal support in the form of neutral investment advisory services, valuation, market assessment etc. We also partner with other development organisations to ensure that the businesses we support integrate social impact considerations such as ethics, environmental stewardship, gender and social inclusion into their business operations.

Does MA provide tax and legal advice?

No. MA does not provide any legal or tax advice.